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Alluvium: material, including silt, carried and deposited by a river.

Cataract: series of rapids or waterfalls on a large river.

Channel: deeper part of a river; usually more navigable.

Confluence: place where two rivers come together.

Dam: structure designed to hold back river water, creating a reservoir.

Delta: fan-shaped area of sediment at mouth of a river.

Drought: long period with little or no rainfall.

Erosion: process of wearing away.

Flood: when water flows across land that is normally dry.

Flow: movement and speed of water.

Headwater: where a river begins.

Irrigation: water used for farmland.

Meander: stretch of river that changes course many times.

Mouth: end of a river.

Recreation: refreshment of a person’s mind and body.

River: naturally winding water pathway.

Sand bar: submerged ridge of sand or gravel.

Tributary: stream or river that feeds into a larger waterway.

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